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Olga Medenica RSS / 03.06.2007. u 15:02

Autoportret sa Pink Panterom
Autoportret sa Pink Panterom










 Vreme je da se sa BlogomKakvimSmoGaZnali svi polako oprostimo. Pa i ja.

Resila sam da se "samoarhiviram" i tako pokusam da se upoznam sa novim softverom. Moram da priznam, mnogo sam se namucila.  Dovidjenja stari Bloze.  Sta se tu moze.

U nastavku su moji stari tekstovi.

PS: Zar je moguce da ce nase fotografije biti u ovako mizernoj rezoluciji? Smrt autorstvu?


Zagrizi Prdež Café, ili šta "oni" vide


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William Heath Robinson



Pravo na Pravoslavlje, Budizam Šintoizam,   daj šta daš…



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Porcelan; Sekula Medenica 1958






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Prolece, Olga Medenica






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London Eye, O.M.



Čarobno ostrvo: Isola di Salina        


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Ribarski brod, Olga Medenica 2006




Gospodja Srbija, večita nevesta

small%20BLOODY%20KISS.jpgTekst mozete naci na:












Silikoni, avioni, kamioni (ili: "size matters")

Lolo_Ferrari03.jpgTekst mozete naci na:













Starac i Moda

starac%20i%20more.jpgTekst mozete naci na:



Komentari (122)

Komentare je moguće postavljati samo u prvih 7 dana, nakon čega se blog automatski zaključava

BebaOdLonchara BebaOdLonchara 01:45 05.06.2007


Modesty Blaise Modesty Blaise 09:46 05.06.2007

Re: . trol od prirode .

Galeb maloj crnoj čaplji:

Rekli su mi da ne umeš da pevaš i da te je opasno voleti...

A ja sam odgovorio:
Kad pleše...moje srce je kao voda po kojem njene stope prave krugove...
ugiba se da je nasmeje
Kazezoze Kazezoze 10:31 05.06.2007

troll - uzhivanje u zhivotu

najbolje je odreci se... svega shto ne godi,
najbolje je kad se zhivot... s igrom, s pesmom vodi,
najbolje je kad se 'skita, opija i luta',
najbolje je kad se s dragom shirom sveta brodi!
Olga Medenica Olga Medenica 10:50 05.06.2007

Re: troll - uzhivanje u zhivotu

Kazezoze, kakva radost.....mmm....

A ovde je svanuo suncan dan

evo nesto lako
u tu cast

dracena dracena 11:56 05.06.2007

Re: . trol od prirode .

Ni nalik...ali ipak ... koraci, stope, snovi....

Kad hodaš

Veče ne miriše na rakove i školjke
veče je bleda fleka boje cimeta
uzimaš cipele za šetanje kroz snove
ulica voli ritam tvojih koraka

Vetar se provlači kroz nepoznate reči
asvalt se miluje sa tvojim čtiklama
suviše mekan da bi mogao da spreči
ovo je veče puno tvojih tragova

ref: Kad hodaš ne zastajkuješ
i zemlju ne dodiruješ
a mene ne primecuješ

I uporno se trudiš
da me prodje požuda
jos drhtim od tvog pogleda
iz nekih starih razloga ne mogu da se sredim ...

Kazezoze Kazezoze 13:29 05.06.2007

Re: troll - uzhivanje u zhivotu

Roy Ayers! Uvek mi je drago kad ga chujem... ja imam jedan album Fele Kutija na kojem mu kao gost vibraphon svira Roy Ayers, a i peva jednu stvar koja se zove 2000 black go to be free (koji snovi) i ta pesma mi je jedna od najboljih koje sam chuo...traje oko 20-tak min. a nema je na netu, shteta..

al' troll - uzhivanje u zhivotu mora ici dalje, pa evo malo D'Angela i slichica:):):)

jesen jesen 08:43 06.06.2007

Re: troll - uzhivanje u zhivotu

Postoji samo mali problem...kako doci do onoga sto je "najbolje".....
ZokiZoki ZokiZoki 02:51 05.06.2007


zokster zokster 12:58 05.06.2007

Re: L A Z Y D A Y S I N P A R I S

Kazezoze Kazezoze 18:54 05.06.2007

troll - african style

Danas se ljubavi i igri klanjamo,
danas u ritmu tajni sok kushamo;
sasvim zaneseni, izvan samog sebe
danas zvuke s bozhjeg trona mi slushamo
ZokiZoki ZokiZoki 21:40 05.06.2007

H E L L O Z O X !

Olga Medenica Olga Medenica 23:29 05.06.2007


Olga Medenica Olga Medenica 23:38 05.06.2007

Re: troll - african style

Muzikica se jedva "otvorila". Ne znam sta joj je.

Na zidinama, pucajuci u Blogosferu

ZokiZoki ZokiZoki 23:43 05.06.2007


Olga Medenica Olga Medenica 23:47 05.06.2007

bu, bu, bu, buuuu

Julian Woropay Julian Woropay 01:45 06.06.2007

Re: L A Z Y D A Y S I N P A R I S

Dragi Zoki - check this - ruski trolski fazon:
ZokiZoki ZokiZoki 00:10 06.06.2007

W H O ' S T H A T G I R L ?

Julian Woropay Julian Woropay 01:57 06.06.2007

it's outta controll!

evo ti draga, konecno sam nasao nesto!

"300 trolls, it's outta con-troll - at the troll mu-se-um!"

Modesty Blaise Modesty Blaise 08:53 06.06.2007

A NoFear Troll

Life on a Lily Pad, National geographic, January 1980

p.s. The Lovers Hall of Fame

Most explosive lover: Male honeybee
When the male honeybee ejaculates, he explodes and his genitals tear from his body with an audible snap. His body falls to the ground, but his genitals remain inside the female, preventing her from mating again—an extreme form of the chastity belt.

Most monogamous: Black vulture
Monogamy—in which both partners are faithful to each other until one of them dies—is so rare that it qualifies as one of the most deviant behaviors in biology. The reason is simple: For monogamy to evolve, couples who are monogamous must have more children, on average, than couples who are not. This is rarely the case. But one species that does appear to be monogamous (although the data are still quite scant) is the black vulture. Bizarrely, black vultures seem to have a social convention that prevents philandering. Any vulture that attempts to have sex in a public place (at a roost, or alongside a carcass) will be roundly attacked by other vultures in the vicinity.

Most wanton female: Chimpanzee
Female chimpanzees are astonishingly promiscuous. Some are on record as having copulated with eight different males in 15 minutes. Others have racked up 84 trysts in eight days with seven different partners.

Female least likely to suffer from penis envy:
Most seahorses and spotted hyena
Penises have evolved in countless variations. In sharks, the penises (male sharks have two) are rolled-up pelvic fins. In spiders, the penises (again, males have two) are modified parts of the mouth. Among seahorses, however, the female does not receive sperm, but the male receives eggs. The female has evolved a phallic structure with which to deliver her eggs so that a male seahorse becomes pregnant. The female spotted hyena has a pseudo-phallus—a grossly enlarged, fully erectile clitoris—but why this is so is a mystery. The male and female genitalia look so much alike that for many years the spotted hyena was thought to be a hermaphrodite.

Most demanding lover: Lioness
A lioness in heat desires sex at least once every half an hour for four or five days and nights. The reason for her enormous sexual appetite is unknown.

Worst dad:
Japanese cardinal fish
Contenders for the title of Worst Dad (or Worst Mom) are legion: Most organisms don't look after their young at all. However, the Japanese cardinal fish deserves special mention. All child care is done by the male, who broods the young in his mouth until they are old enough to look after themselves. But if he encounters a female more attractive than the mother of his children, he hastily eats his kids and rushes over to court the new female.

Most diminutive lover: Green spoon worm
In most species (mammals being exceptions), females are larger than males. But the green spoon worm has taken this to an extreme. The male is 200,000 times smaller than the female—it's as though a human male were no bigger than the eraser on the end of a pencil. He spends his whole life sitting in a special chamber within his comparatively enormous mate, fertilizing her eggs.

Most gigantic sperm: Fruit Fly
This fruit fly is only three millimeters (about one-eighth of an inch) long from the top of its head to the end of its abdomen, yet it produces sperm that are 2.3 inches (58 millimeters) long. If a human male made sperm on a similar scale, they would be as long as a blue whale.

Least discriminative lover:
Atlantic bottlenose dolphin
Dolphins have been recorded trying to copulate with seals, sharks, turtles, eels, and even humans. Small wonder that they engage in homosexual activity of various kinds and also masturbate.

Most chaste:
Bdelloid rotifer
Bdelloid rotifers are small animals that live in patches of damp moss. In evolutionary circles, these creatures are infamous, because they have been reproducing without sex (they lay eggs that don't need to be fertilized) for more than 85 million years.

Adapted from Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation, For Valentine's Day Special, National Geographic, February 2004
Olga Medenica Olga Medenica 10:35 06.06.2007

Re: it's outta controll!


Where did U find this?
Julian Woropay Julian Woropay 14:16 06.06.2007

Re: it's outta controll!

just trolling through youtube! (hee hee sorry about the pun but you gotta love it as they say in the USofA)

that museum reminds me of nas good ol' Papic! - gde si bre?! Dragane - stavi nesto ovde!!
fixer fixer 11:56 06.06.2007

think pink:.

rešila ti da imaš psa
koje pasmine ? pitala si se
jebeš ga
onda došo ja..
i ubi me, čoveče
te oću baštu s nevenima
i pane e tulipani
te premesti mi sunce oko pola pet
da mi pada baššš na ovaj cvet
baš bi bilo lepo da ova breza povuče neki vešplav
jel da
ma daaaa
joj promajaaaa
ukini to sada al posle mi daj
jede mi se čokolada i bre ne m r d a j
jooooj a ja bi mrdno
i meni malo fali
na toj skali
zadooovoljstva, al
ćuuuutim trrrpim
i uživam
i kad promaje nema
ja duvam ko lud
da pripijem ti tu kao hahjinu uz butine
od tog mi raste
i želja da peškir staaalno bude mokar
pa da ti onako gola časčas istrčiš da ga okačiš
čas da me ljubiš mokro ko kiša
čas mi kotrljaš brmbrm miša
on je kriv
što neće youtube
brže das puni
da čuješ šta dobri kaze to tamo opet kruni
pa onda psuješ(jesi jednom)
jednom si me stisla onako nogama
i zapretila da si rešila
da više ni zbog koga nećeš suzu ispuštati
i da poeziju nećeš nikad napustiti
jer je svi ostavljaju
mA koga bre
zar tebe što mi
što kad te u oči gledam
ja vidim bezbroj sveća
ko na torti gde im stave pošteno
kolko godinica tolko i svećica
pa mi još raskopčaš košulju
i tuuu gde sam najlakše osvojiv
podmetneš ta tvoja nutella usta
a ja se nađem u isto vreme
na vrhu svih tvojih bregova
na onoj tački
gde se niš ne traži a sve podrazumeva
a ništa ne prašta
tu ni mašta
ne sme da mašta
samo sam tvoooj
ma ne tuci se sad
e baš



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